How carbon dioxide benefits the planet with accelerated reforestation, improved crop growth and re-greening

One of the quintessential doctrines of the Cult of Climate Change maintains that carbon dioxide, or CO2, is a harmful “pollutant” that’s destroying our planet. But as revealed in an in-depth report on the benefits of CO2, nothing could be further from the truth.

In his paper, independent scholar and author Indur Goklany explains how CO2 benefits both the biosphere and humanity by stimulating the growth and flourishing of plant life. Further, increased concentrations of CO2 directly contribute to more rainfall, which means more food for both animals and people.

Contrary to what the global warming fanatics often claim, rising CO2 levels have been helping our planet, not hurting it – affirming what our own Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, wrote about in his own in-depth article on the subject last summer.

What Goklany and Adams both agree on, as does empirical science, is the fact that rising CO2 levels have actually boosted the productivity of the biosphere by some 14 percent since 1982. Crops are growing more easily as a result of this, and the overall amount of farmable land throughout the world has similarly increased by as much as 17 percent.

“Satellite evidence confirms that increasing carbon dioxide concentrations have also resulted in greater productivity of wild terrestrial ecosystems in all vegetation types,” Goklany’s eye-opening report explains.

“Increasing carbon dioxide concentrations have also increased the productivity of many marine ecosystems.”

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Humanity and nature are much better off, thanks to global warming and rising CO2 levels

As agricultural yields have progressively increased as a result of more CO2, food prices have progressively decreased. That’s right: global warming, so-called, has been a powerful weapon against hunger, making food more plentiful and readily available at cheaper costs.

Beyond this, global warming has improved the viability of forests and other natural habitats, not only by contributing to their re-growth, but also saving many of them from being destroyed to make way for more agriculture and farming.

“Had it not been for the increase in yields of 9–15%, global cropland would have had to be increased by a similar amount to produce the same amount of food, all else being equal,” the report explains. “That figure means that an area equivalent to the combined area of Myanmar, Thailand and Malaysia has been saved from the plough.”

Many animal species have also been saved from extinction as a result of global warming and increased levels of CO2. According to the paper, were it not for carbon dioxide “fertilization” of the planet, there would have been a “significant increase” in the number of animal species at risk of disappearing.

Rising CO2 levels have also provided more water, specifically to areas that need it most. The reason for this is that CO2 increases water evaporation and subsequent rainfall, acting as nature’s watering bucket to ensure not only that crops stay hydrated, but also that droughts are avoided.

“Regardless of whether, how and under what conditions carbon uptake and water-use efficiency are related, global ecosystem productivity increased by 14% from 1982–2011 (Figure 1),8 while vegetation cover increased by 11% in arid areas from 1982– 2010,” the report explains.

“And with regard to agricultural productivity, global crop yields have increased,” it adds. “For instance, from 1961 to 2013, cereal yields per hectare increased by 85% in the least developed countries and 185% worldwide. These yield increases show no sustained sign of decelerating.”

Be sure to read Goklany’s full report on the benefits of CO2, entitled, “Carbon Dioxide: The Good News,” at this link.

You can also read the latest news about global warming at

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