clean food watch
By Ramon Tomey
British government mandates methane-reducing Bovaer feed additive for cows – but at what cost?
The British government has mandated that all suitable British cattle will be given Bovaer, a methane-reducing feed additive, by 2030, in an effort to tackle climate change. Bovaer, a feed additive used in 55 countries, inhibits an enzyme called methyl-coenzyme M reductase to reduce methane production in ruminants. Despite the British Food Standards Agency (FSA) […]
By Ethan Huff
Beef, milk supply TAINTED with new BlackRock-backed animal drug called Bovaer that claims to stop animal farts
A new drug called Bovaer is being slipped into the U.S. food supply as a means to stop climate change, or so we are told. Beef and dairy cattle are eating the drug, made by DSM-firmenich – BlackRock is a major shareholder in DSM-firmenich, by the way – as part of an effort by the Food […]
By Olivia Cook
Pentagon plans to serve LAB-GROWN MEAT to troops in the name of climate change
American troops might be used as guinea pigs for a lab-grown meat initiative funded by the Department of Defense (DoD), ostensibly to cut down on carbon dioxide emissions at military bases. The Washington Free Beacon reported that BioMADE, a public-private partnership that has received more than $500 million from the DoD, is responsible for the […]
By Olivia Cook
Bill Gates: Africans need GENETICALLY MODIFIED seeds and chickens to fight “climate change”
Technocrat and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates has insisted that Africa needs genetically modified (GM) seeds and chickens to fight “climate change” and end hunger. At the recently held Africa Climate Summit in the Kenyan capital Nairobi, Gates remarked in a pre-recorded speech: “I started work on climate over two decades ago after I left my […]
By Ethan Huff
“Green” climate agenda a TROJAN HORSE to destroy the food supply, force everyone to eat BUGS and live under TYRANNY
Everything the powers that be are telling everyone right now about how the world can only be saved from a full-fledged environmental and climate-related collapse by shifting to a “green” economy is a lie. It turns out that the green climate agenda is a ploy, or Trojan Horse, to let the enemy inside the gate […]
By Lance D Johnson
World’s largest artificial meat plant is about to be constructed in Spain
There are plans to scale up mass production of artificial meat lines. The news broke at the annual meeting of the Wyoming Stockgrowers Association. The world’s largest artificial meat plant is about to be constructed in San Sabastian, Spain. Brazil-based JBS S.A. is working with Bio Tech Foods to get the new venture up and […]
By Ethan Huff
The globalists are “coming for your food,” experts warn – “plant-based” tyranny will rule the world
The next phase of the forced transition to “green” living involves depriving everyday folks of access to meat and dairy – because such foods cause global warming, we are told. You will abide by a “plant-based” diet at all times or else, was the message bellowing from the mouth of New York City Mayor Eric […]
By Belle Carter
Bill Gates: Synthetic meat WON’T solve climate change – yes, you read it right
Big Tech mogul Bill Gates recently claimed that telling people to give up meat won’t solve climate change. “Anyone who says telling people to stop eating meat or wanting to have a nice house will basically change human desires, I think, that is too difficult,” Gates told Bloomberg Green reporter Akshat Rathi in an episode of “Zero” podcast. “You […]
By Mary Villareal
Globalist elites pushing their bug-eating agenda in the name of saving the world from climate change
As the human population increases, so does the demand for food. And to solve this, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and other climate change activists are pushing their bug-eating agenda. The bug-eating agenda is no laughing matter: It is now seeping through mass media and the educational system as a way to normalize and even […]
By S.D. Wells
BLOODY SECRET: Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos want us eating LAB MEAT grown from the fetal blood of unborn baby cows
How can all the problems of factory farming be solved in one fell swoop? Just kill off most of the humans and there won’t be a need for breeding and feeding billions of cows, chickens, turkeys and pigs for slaughter. That’s the “bloody secret” among the eugenicists who are funding the genetically modified “cultured” lab-grown […]
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