By Belle Carter
CLIMATE INSANITY: UK cows to be given methane suppressants in bizarre effort to achieve lower emissions
The United Kingdom has ordered farmers to give their cows methane suppressants to reduce their emissions, which is part of the country’s “climate change” goals for 2023. These methane blockers come in the form of food additives in compound feeds, according to the Daily Mail. The additives contain seaweed, organic acids, probiotics, antimicrobials and essential oils […]
By Ethan Huff
Thousands of Slovenian farmers join Dutch-led tractor protests – end the EU green agenda now
The tractor protests that began in The Netherlands last year to fight the European Union’s “green” agenda have since spread to Germany and Slovenia. Reports indicate that around 5,000 farmers participated in a Slovenian tractor protest over the week, which was primarily aimed at a recent ruling restricting the use of pesticides in certain areas […]
By Ramon Tomey
Tractor-driving protesters descend on German town to oppose limits on FARM ANIMALS
Hundreds of tractor-driving protesters descended on a coastal town in Germany to protest the tyrannical “green” policies of the European Union’s leadership. Breitbart reported that 400 tractors headed over to the northern town of Busum on March 22. The demonstrators driving the tractors protested limits imposed by Berlin on the number of animals farmers can own. According […]
By Oliver Young
Net Zero policies will leave half the world’s population with nothing to eat, researchers warn
Half of the world’s population may starve soon, thanks to the Net Zero policies promoted and propagated by climate alarmists across the globe. The United Nations website defined Net Zero as cutting greenhouse gas emissions to as close to zero as possible, with the remaining emissions reabsorbed from the atmosphere by oceans and forests. According […]
By Oliver Young
WHERE’S THE BEEF? Data show US has lowest beef cattle inventory in over 60 years
Data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) shows that beef cattle inventory in the country is at its lowest point in over six decades. According to the USDA’s biannual cattle report, the head inventory as of Jan. 1 is 89.3 million — three percent lower than the total last year and the lowest since 2015. […]
By Belle Carter
Study: Veganism more harmful to the environment than limited meat consumption
A recent study showed that veganism harms the environment more than limited meat consumption. Scientists from the University of Georgia (UGA) found that several soybean products are responsible for this environmental harm. Soybean products such as tofu and tempeh, which are common in the vegan diet, are imported from places where their production can contribute to […]
By Kevin Hughes
Climate insanity: Bill Gates invests in Aussie firm looking to address COW BURPS
Microsoft co-founder and globalist technocrat Bill Gates reportedly bankrolled an Australian startup seeking to address methane emissions from cow burps through livestock food supplements. According to a press statement, Gates’ Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) alongside Harvest Road Group raised a total of $12 million for the Perth, Western Australia-based startup Rumin8. The startup examines solutions […]
By News Editors
Forget oil. Now they are coming for the cows
First, they came for the oil, now they’re coming for the cows. Environmentalists have no shame or sense and farmers around the world are, forget the pitchforks, “setting hay bales ablaze and dumping manure on motorways,” report April Roach, Tracy Withers, Jen Skerritt, and Agnieszka de Sousa for Bloomberg. (Article by Doug French republished from Never mind that food prices […]
By Roy Green
Germany restricts fertilizer usage to comply with the European Union’s green agenda
The German government would rather turn green than increase food production. Belying common sense, German authorities have banned farmers in one of their federal states from adequately fertilizing large swathes of land in consonance with the European Union’s (EU) green agenda. (Related: Engineered FAMINE: German farmers ordered to SLASH nitrogen fertilizer usage to comply with EU […]
By Mike Adams
HOLODOMOR 2023: Media sounds alarm over shooter sabotage of power substation in North Carolina; says nothing about government sabotage of food, farms, fertilizer and fuel
Sabotage of infrastructure that serves human communities is always wrong. When two power substations in North Carolina were reportedly taken down by gunfire in an apparent “criminal act,” the establishment media went to work condemning that act. The gunfire caused “damage that could take days to repair and leaving tens of thousands of people without […]
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