BUSTED: The EPA spent millions in taxpayer dollars to push climate change propaganda via social media

Under the Obama administration, the Environmental Protection Agency was one of the most tyrannical, lawless institutions in the entire country, spitting out tens of thousands of unconstitutional regulations each year and compelling businesses to abide by the left’s radical climate change agenda. Mind you, these are regulations that the American people did not vote for, nor do they necessarily support; rather, the EPA’s agenda under the Obama regime was wholly undemocratic and against the principles that America was founded upon.

Recently, Judicial Watch was able to obtain 900 pages of documents from the Environmental Protection Agency that revealed, among other things, lawless behavior from the Obama administration. Specifically, the documents show that the EPA used a social media platform called Thunderclap, which allowed the agency to mass-share information regarding its policies in violation of federal law.

As explained by Judicial Watch, “Federal law prohibits agencies from engaging in propaganda, which is defined as covert activity intended to influence the American public. Federal law also prohibits agencies from using federal resources to conduct grassroots lobbying to prod the American public to call on Congress to act on pending legislation.”

Jessica Orquina, the EPA’s Director of Web Communications, wrote an email on September 10, 2014, to Karen Wirth, an EPA team leader in the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water, urging her to consider using Thunderclap covertly in order to promote the agency’s agenda. “I don’t want it to look like EPA used our own social media accounts to reach our support goal,” Orquina wrote in her email to Wirth. (Related: An EPA whistleblower has been fired for telling the truth about geoengineering.)

Although it is now in the process of being repealed by the Trump administration, it is worth noting that The Clean Water Rule gave numerous federal agents expanded authority over ponds, streams, and other small bodies of water. However, according to a December 2015 report by the Government Accountability Office, the Environmental Protection Agency’s use of Thunderclap to promote the Clean Water Rule to the American people “constitutes covert propaganda” and therefore is in violation of federal law. (Related: A top EPA official has recently resigned over the climate change hoax.)

But this is hardly the first time that the Environmental Protection Agency has been caught red-handed doing something that it ought not to be doing. Last year, The Daily Caller reported on new evidence that suggested that EPA officials routinely use private email accounts to communicate with lobbyists. Documents that were obtained by the Energy & Environment Legal Institute via the Freedom of Information Act revealed that Michael Bradley, president and founder of an energy consulting firm that represents numerous environmental groups across the country, had contacted the EPA asking if it would be okay to use a private email account to communicate with EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. Allegedly, Bradley wanted to get in touch with the EPA regarding an agency regulation.

“Joe, Would you please send this email to Gina for me? I would have sent it to her directly with a cc to you but I don’t have a private email address for her and would prefer to not use an office email address,” Bradley said in an email to EPA Senior Counsel Joe Goffman.

Of course, the use of private email accounts for public business is in violation of existing laws and regulations – for more information on that, just ask Hillary Clinton.

The Environmental Protection Agency under the Obama administration wasn’t just tyrannical in nature; it was also highly corrupt and cared little about following the law. And in any society, though perhaps more so in a Constitutional Republic, that is a very bad combination.

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