Geological record reveals that fluctuating temperatures are normal for a living planet: Ancient evidence from the Caribbean proves there were more extreme conditions in the past

It seems as though the more evidence that is released that counters the liberal narrative of man-made global warming, the more desperate the left becomes to flood the airwaves and the halls of Congress with rhetoric and propaganda. It’s as if they fall deeper and deeper into denial each and every time a study is released that reveals that man actually isn’t the biggest contributor to the fluctuation of earth’s climate.

One such study that is sure to make the liberals’ heads spin was recently published in Marine Geology. Researchers found that the limestone islands of the Bahamas and Bermuda experienced extreme climate change over a hundred thousand years ago, meaning that warming and cooling temperatures is and always has been a natural part of our planet. (Related: Over 31,000 scientists say that man-made global warming is a total hoax.)

According to Dr. Paul J. Hearty, a retired Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and Dr. Blair R. Tormey, a Coastal Research Scientist at Western Carolina University, an extreme change in climate during the last inter-glacial resulted in changes to sea levels and, consequently, the Bahamas and Bermuda were impacted by massive storms coming from the North Atlantic Ocean. All of this happened over one hundred thousand years ago, a time when human beings weren’t around to send carbon dioxide into the atmosphere by building factories or driving their hummers to the grocery store. Based on the information in this study, then, perhaps human beings play far less of a role in the changing climate than the progressives tell us we do. (Related: Climate change science implodes as the IPCC climate models are found to be totally wrong.)

Of course, you will never hear anything about extreme climate change occurring hundreds of thousands of years ago from any liberal in Washington D.C. or the mainstream media. Their goal is not to tell the American people the truth, but rather to do everything in their power to make it seem as though human beings are solely responsible for the gradual increase in global temperatures. They are desperate to brainwash as many Americans as they possibly can into buying into the manmade climate change hysteria, and ironically, it doesn’t even have anything to do with saving the environment.

In May of this year, Barack Obama warned the entire world about the dangers of eating steak – yes, steak – at the Global Food Innovation Summit. “As people want to increase meat consumption, that in turn is spiking the growth of greenhouse emissions coming out of the agriculture sector,” Obama explained. “People aren’t as familiar with the impact of cows and methane.” In other words, according to our former president, every time we sit down with a nice juicy steak, we are contributing to global warming and the destruction of planet earth.

If you think the implication that we should all eat less steak to reduce carbon emissions is crazy, then fasten your seatbelt and think back to what John Kerry said in July of 2016. Speaking at an event in Vienna to amend the Montreal Protocol to phase out the use of hydrofluorocarbons in air conditions and refrigerators, Kerry actually had the audacity to compare fighting climate change to fighting ISIS.

“As we were working together on the challenge of [ISIS] and terrorism,” Kerry said. “It’s hard to some people to grasp it, but what we – you – are doing here right now is of equal importance because it has the ability to literally save life on the planet itself.”

And it’s not just Barack Obama and John Kerry, either. Virtually every liberal democrat in America is committed to spreading lies and propaganda about the so-called “harmful effects” of manmade climate change. But as previously mentioned, it really has nothing to do with the environment at all; it has to do with creating a massive centralized government that has the ability to practically run your entire life, from the types of light bulbs you buy to how many miles per gallon your vehicle gets. Truth be told, liberals care more about themselves and the number of votes they receive than the future of planet earth.

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