Big Pharma’s toxic drugs will kill over 45,000% more people than global warming by the year 2100, scientists discover … Media SILENT

A study by researchers from the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill has sent shock-waves across the globe with its finding that over 260,000 people will die prematurely by the year 2100 because of air pollution triggered by global warming. The “catastrophic man-made global warming” alarmists love these kinds of studies, of course, because they reinforce their doomsday predictions. However, even if these researchers’ alarming findings are 100 percent reliable (and there is enough conflicting evidence out there to make that highly unlikely), even a quarter of a million people would be a drop in the ocean compared to the number of people that Big Pharma will likely kill by 2100. More on that later.

The UNC researchers reached their alarming conclusions after analyzing data from the globe’s top climate change modeling groups. Well, that already puts their findings on shaky ground, doesn’t it? (Related: The REAL FAKE NEWS exposed: ‘97% of scientists agree on climate change’ is an engineered hoax … Here’s what the media never told you.)

According to the Daily Mail, the researchers believe that hotter temperatures will cause an increase in the speed of the chemical reactions that cause air pollutants, and that as areas become increasingly drier, there will be less rain to remove these pollutants. These higher temperatures will also cause trees to emit more organic pollutants.

The study predicts that this toxic combination will result in killer smog that will kill 260,000 people across the globe (with the exception of Africa) by 2100.

The Mail reports:

The rise in toxic air pollution adds to other risk of death from climate change including heat stress, a lack of clean water and food, severe storms and the spread of infectious diseases.

The study was published in the Nature journal, Climate Change.

Of course, the mainstream media has been quick to jump all over this story, blasting readers with headlines like the Mail’s “Global warming will cause 260,000 premature deaths from air pollution by 2100, shocking study finds.” While that number does seem high, and it is true that pollution causes many deaths worldwide each year, there is a far more alarming number that the mainstream media has made no attempt to disclose: The number of deaths attributable to Big Pharma and its toxic chemicals.

The website has been shining a light on this disturbing number for some time now. It constantly updates real-time numbers of victims killed by Big Pharma in the U.S. and worldwide since January 1, 2000. Some of the numbers included are for deaths which are not directly attributable to the pharmaceutical companies, including things like medical error, hospital errors and hospital malnutrition.

Nonetheless, if we include only the figures for deaths which can directly be blamed on Big Pharma, a staggering 21,483,350 (at the time of writing) people died at their hands since 2000. That’s a mind-blowing average of 1,227,620 per year for the past 17.5 years.

Figures included were for deaths resulting from: Chemotherapy; adverse drug reactions; SSRIs; prescription drugs; non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; opioids; benzodiazepines; antidepressant overdoses; anti-epileptic and anti-Parkinsonism drugs; systemic and hematological drugs; antipsychotic and neuroleptic drugs; acetaminophen-related deaths; respiratory drugs; cardiovascular drugs; barbiturates; autonomic nervous system drugs; anesthetics and therapeutic gases; hormones, insulins and glucocorticoids; anti-infectives; diuretics and other drugs, medicaments and biological substances; and topical drugs.

Based on the aforementioned average, by the year 2100, 122,762,000 people will have been killed by Big Pharma – a number that is more than 45,000 percent higher than the number of people predicted to die from so-called global warming.

This begs the question: Why is the media silent? Who will speak for the millions who have died and will continue to die at the hands of the greedy pharmaceutical giants?

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